Monday, July 15, 2013

You Don't Have to Be Perfect, Just Be Better

If you are like most people you have lost weight before, but eventually you found yourself right back where you started.  While I was never much of a dieter, there have been times in my life when I tried to eat healthier.  I would do well for awhile and then I would have a bad day.  One bad day often led to two bad days.  Eventually, I was back to my old ways.  Anytime I ate something I should not have I would get discouraged. Somehow I convinced myself that one bad day ruined all the good days.

Then one day when I had lunch with Rick - a good friend of mine.  I described to him my pattern of failures.  Rick, who is very dedicated to health and fitness, said, “Dude, don’t be so hard on yourself.”  He explained very few people maintain a perfect diet. He said my goal should not be perfection.  Instead, the goal should be to make consistently better nutritional and fitness choices.  This was a simple, but powerful, insight.  Suddenly I realized that losing weight, and keeping it off, was about making “better” choices. 

My first “better” choice was the decision to give up Coca Cola.  I chose soda because at that time I was drinking over 700 calories of soda a day.  Making this one dietary change eliminated nearly 5000 calories a week from my diet.  With Coca Cola on one end of the continuum and water, which I don’t like, on the other end of the continuum I began considering the different beverages I could drink in place of soda.  Fortunately, there are many options in the middle.  Here are just a few: (1) soda half and half (half regular soda and half diet soda); (2) diet soda; (3) sports drinks; (4) sport drink half and half; (5) no calorie sport drinks; (6) no or low calorie soft drinks; (7) flavored waters; and (8) water or tonic water flavored with a bit of fresh juice – orange, lemon or lime.  Some are obviously better than others, but all of them have a significantly lower calorie count than regular soda. 

Not every choice is right for everyone.  For example, there is a lot of research highlighting concerns about artificial sweeteners. recently ran an interesting article on the sugar vs. artificial sweetener debate.  If you are uncomfortable with artificial sweeteners then avoid them.  Otherwise feel free to use them as a tool.  Within three months, simply by making a combination of better choices, I eliminated regular soda from my diet.  In that three month period, doing nothing else but eliminating soda (and eventually almost all sugary drinks), I lost 25 lbs!!!  Over time I applied this philosophy to all aspects of my diet - with lots of success. 

Pick a problem area in your diet. Consider the range of lower calorie/reduced fat options available – e.g., lower calorie versions of your favorite foods.  Runner’s World has some great tips and substitutes that will help you cook healthier versions of your favorite foods.   Kath Eats REAL FOOD and Cheap, Healthy, Good are both great blogs dedicated to healthy food.  The web is full of ideas for preparing healthier food.  Take some time and do a little research.

If you want to start losing weight try to identify the biggest problem area in your diet.  Commit to making better decisions regarding this specific area.  You do not have to be perfect, just be better.  Make consistently better choices.  Stay dedicated to making this one effective dietary change.  Once you have made that one change a habit, you will be ready to tackle your next challenge.


  1. As I recall, you were initially very quiet about abjuring soda. You did, however, firmly reject green tea.

    1. This is only my second post about an almost three year journey so I have been quiet about a lot of things - LOL. In any event, I hope to share one step from my journey with every post - eliminating soda was one of the first steps. As for Green Tea, not mentioning an option is not intended to reject it. My post specifically said, here are a "few" options. I want to provide tips that worked for me as well as some inspiration for people - I hope. With a little thought, there are TONS of other options people can use in place of soda. Green Tea is certainly one of them! It is just not one I that used. But thanks for mentioning it!!!

    2. I was also yanking your chain about tea, as I do about coffee. Love the blog, though.

  2. Thanks Bill! You are an inspiration. Your quote "You don't have to be perfect, Just be better" is one that Dave and I use all the time. I now need to apply it to weight loss. I will be keeping up with your blog. It is good to see an old friend doing so well. We have missed you since Las Vegas!

    1. Thanks so much for the kind comments! I miss both of you too!!! As for losing weight, if you are ready, take that next step and give it a shot. If you need anything at all, I am here for you!

  3. Great post that I know so many need to read, including myself. Also, thanks for the links!

    1. Thank you so much! And feel free to share my blog. The more people we can get to talk and to support one another the better!!!

  4. I love this approach. It makes everything seem doable.

    1. Thank you! It is doable! I am living proof!

  5. I have made some good dietary changes and I think that's how I haven't gained back weight. But now I have to make better choices to get out of the pause I'm in. It's a long pause. I look forward to the future.
