Monday, August 19, 2013

Being Healthier is Always Going to Be A Climb

When I was at my heaviest it felt like almost everyone around me maintained a reasonable weight.   Most of these people also seemed to lead active lives and consciously made healthy food choices.  At times I was jealous.  I frequently wondered why exercise and healthy eating came so easily to them, but was such a struggle for me.

After losing one hundred pounds I came to an important realization.  Just because something looks easy doesn’t mean that it is easy.  Eating a healthier diet and exercising regularly is not easy.  Our fast food, super-sized, extra-cheese, convenience oriented world presents daily obstacles for everyone.  
While losing a lot of weight and running a half-marathon were great accomplishments, they didn’t represent the end of my journey.  In many ways, they were just the beginning.

Many years ago Miley Cyrus released a hit song - “The Climb.”  Shortly after it came out, my daughters would often blare it from their bedroom.  Over time the song grew on me and I used to sing it with them in the car.  The chorus is: 
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Truer words were never spoken.  People often tell me that I appear to have won the battle with my weight.  I am winning, but the battle is not over and it is never easy, but it is easier now than it has ever been.  I have learned a lot, but there is still more to learn.  There are always obstacles that need to be overcome.

After I started running and eventually gained a reasonable fitness level, I was surprised at how hard running continued to be for me.  In the beginning I couldn’t run a tenth of a mile.   It was hard work.  Eventually, I was running over ten miles, but it was still hard work.  Like most people, once I accomplished one goal, I moved to another.  I always wanted to run faster and further; both of these things represent more mountains.  As long as you are pushing yourself, training will always be hard.  A year ago I ran a 14 minute mile.  Today, I can run an 11 minute mile.  That 11 minute mile feels every bit as challenging as that 14 minute mile once did.  A ten minute mile is my next mountain.
Getting healthy and staying healthy is a lifelong journey.  It will be filled with successes and failures.  Embrace them both.  Celebrate the successes.  View your failures as opportunities for future success.  There will be times, for whatever reason, that you gain some weight – summer eating, a vacation, the holidays, etc.  Sometimes life will get in the way and you will get out of your exercise routine – maybe for a few weeks at a time.  It happens to almost everyone.  There will always be another mountain.

When you are faced with a mountain, commit to moving it. Your journey will be filled with challenges.  Sometimes you are going to fail.  That is all part of the process.  Recognize it.  Accept it.  Improvise.  Adapt.  Overcome.  Get back on track and celebrate your success for doing so!!!


  1. A few of my friends say to themselves "Turn North" (which means it's time to move on - from self-pity, fear, and pride - or whatever negativity paralyzed us). We have circled the mountain long enough, repeating our unhealthy habits, time to turn north to our new healthy lifestyle. (This comes from Ruth Graham.)
