Sunday, September 22, 2013

When Life Happens Don't Forget the Basics!!!

Like it or not, for most us, there will be times in our life when our commitment to proper eating and exercise wanes.  You may be surprised to learn that after two years of serious dedication to daily exercise I have not run or walked in almost two months.  Why?

There is no simple answer.  After completing my first half marathon I suffered a bit of letdown.  I was sore, tired and burned out.  I ran sporadically throughout July, but then the August heat arrived.  While I strongly prefer to run outside, the heat and I do not get along.  I took August off.  And to top it all off I accepted a new position at work.  The new position has drastically changed my daily schedule and totally thrown my exercise schedule into disarray.  These things have all contributed to my lengthy break from exercise.
During these last couple of months I have gained about nine pounds.  A couple years ago this would have devastated me.  I would have beat myself up over it and gone into a funk.  But as I have said before, losing weight is not so mysterious; and that is empowering.  I need to eat regularly –  three meals and three small protein snacks a day, eat primarily whole foods with an emphasis on fresh fruits and vegetables, watch portion sizes, drink plenty of water and exercise regularly.  Failure to do these things consistently will almost certainly lead to some weight gain.
In recent weeks my diet has not been poor, but I have also not been as disciplined as I need to be.  Also, as I mentioned, I have not been exercising recently.  Given these two things it is no surprise that I have gained some weight.
Still, there is lots of good news.  First, in the larger scheme of things gaining nine pounds is not such a big deal; at one point I lost over 105 pounds.  I am confident that I can lose nine pounds.  Second, I have identified my two biggest problem areas.  And third, I know exactly how to fix these things.
It is time to go back to the basics!  Starting today, I am going back to my basic weight loss philosophy –purposeful, incremental change.  First, I am going to start keeping my daily food journal again.  Also, I am recommitting myself to exercise.  My initial goal will be to run three miles three days per week.  These are thoughtful, substantive, important and achievable goals.  A commitment to these things will help me re-establish the three years of good habits I had developed.  This will provide an excellent foundation for weight loss and improved fitness.
Gaining nine pounds is not a failure and it not something to be ashamed of.  At worst, it is a minor setback.  At best, it is an opportunity for success.  After all, I know exactly what it takes to lose weight successfully.  I have already done it.  My approach worked before and it will work again provided I am willing to make my health and fitness a priority again.
When life happens and you struggle with your weight, don’t panic – get back to the basics!  Examine your lifestyle.  Identify your most serious issues.  Set a couple of small but achievable goals designed to address your problems.  Take your time, stay committed, redevelop good habits, and build on your successes by slowly adding new goals over the coming weeks.  I plan to do all of these things and I will keep you posted on my latest journey.

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